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What is the Recovery of Having a Gum Graft Procedure?

Soft tissue grafting takes, on average, 1-2 weeks for general healing. By following proper post-operative care instructions, you will greatly enhance the speed of recovery, as well as the quality of the results. 

Northern Virginia Periodontics has developed a set of guidelines to aid in your recovery, backed by more than 25 years of successful outcomes:

  • Oral hygiene following surgery:

Brush and floss all areas of your mouth normally, except the area of surgery. Soak very lightly with water to get the toothpaste out.

Afterward, gently soak (DO NOT RINSE) the treated area with StellaLife, 3x a day after each meal. StellaLife is an herbal-based mouth rinse formulated to kill bacteria without harming your gum tissue. If you finish the StellaLife, switch to soaking with warm salt water (1 teaspoon salt/40z warm water) until your follow-up appointment, which is usually within 2-3 weeks after surgery.  

If your follow-up is after 3 weeks, you will soak with StellaLife 3x a day after each meal. Starting after week 2, you will use a special post-surgical “feather” brush to dip in StellaLife or warm salt water and roll in the surgical area 2x a day until your follow-up.

  •   Pain management: 

Take 600mg ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and 325mg acetaminophen (Tylenol) on an alternating schedule every 4-6 hours. If this is not enough to manage the discomfort, only take the narcotic (Tylenol #3, Percocet, Vicodin) in between the ibuprofen doses instead of the acetaminophen. Of course, if you are medically unable to take any of these medications, your doctor will provide a specific pain control regimen for you. The key to proper pain management is to consistently take your pain medication for at least the first 72 hours after surgery!

In addition to pain medication, our soft tissue graft procedures include two key features to help reduce post-surgical discomfort:

  • A clear, custom-made surgical retainer to protect the wound in the roof of the mouth. When used consistently for the first 72 hours, this significantly reduces discomfort and the potential for post-surgical bleeding.
  • The use of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). On the day of the procedure, your doctor will perform a blood draw and create a second-generation blood concentrate that has potent healing factors. When applied directly to the surgical sites, the patient benefits from accelerated healing and reduced discomfort, bruising, and swelling.


  • Antibiotics: 

Although the risk of an infection following soft tissue grafting is very low, we sometimes prescribe antibiotics as a precaution. If prescribed, it is important to take the antibiotic as prescribed until the full course is finished, unless you develop stomach issues or signs of allergic reaction. If you develop such a problem, stop the medication and let the doctor know right away.    

  • Swelling & Bruising: 

You can expect a reasonable amount of swelling, on the increase, until day 3 after the surgery. If swelling continues to increase after day 3, please call our office or doctor directly. The use of ice packs is not indicated following soft tissue grafting, as this may contribute to decreased blood flow around the graft site. However; the following day, you may apply a warm compress for 15-30 mins, 3-4x a day if needed. This aids in increasing blood flow and reducing the formation of a hematoma.

Bruising may occur following surgery and can take 1-2 weeks to fully resolve. In some cases the bruising can be minor, in other cases it can be quite noticeable. The degree of bruising can be influenced by several factors such as the extent of surgery, or if you are using blood thinners.  The supplemental use of over-the-counter arnica gel, applied extra-orally, aids in reducing this  bruising.

  • Bleeding: 

Bleeding is one of the most common complications following soft tissue grafting! If bleeding is excessive or continuous, do not rinse or spit, as it will only increase or prolong the bleeding. Instead, hold pressure on the surgical area with either moist gauze or a cool moist tea bag for at least 20 minutes. Additionally, bleeding from the roof of the mouth can be controlled by consistently wearing the custom retainer we provide you immediately after surgery.

Remember: Pressure, pressure, and more pressure!

  • Diet: 

If you eat anything harder than soup, chew away from the surgical area until your follow-up appointment. Avoid hard and crunchy foods for the first 2-3 weeks to prevent damaging the gum graft. Do opt for softer foods such as yogurt, scrambled eggs, and smoothies.

Do not drink through a straw for the first 2 weeks after surgery because it can serve to loosen the graft from the stitches and/or cause post-surgical bleeding.

Drink plenty of water and remember to stay hydrated throughout the healing period.

Additional tips:

  • Do not pull your lip/cheek out at the surgical area to look at the site as this puts tension on the sutures and can adversely affect the healing. Try your best not to disturb the surgical site with your tongue!  
  • Vigorous exercise (e.g. running, swimming, cycling, tennis, etc.) should be discontinued for 5-10 days after surgery. 
  • Do not smoke or consume alcohol for at least 48 hours after surgery. Ideally, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol for 1-2 weeks post-surgery.

Remember, everyone’s healing process is different. If you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, or any other concerning symptoms, contact us directly. Our periodontists provide their personal cell phone numbers following surgery and are always available to answer any questions that arise.

Northern Virginia Periodontics

Northern Virginia Periodontics

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